About Shannon as an Event and Wedding Industry Speaker


Getting to Know Me

What topics do you enjoy speaking on the most?

I’m the most passionate about topics that help the attendees grow revenue including closing sales more often and quicker, growing your volume, branding for bigger budget clients, and a killer referral marketing plan.

What topic would you love to tackle next?

I love sharing about automation. There are systems that can be put in place within any business to maximize every effort. For example, creating one piece of marketing content and using it in 10 different ways.

How would you describe your speaking style?

Content-rich, high-energy with a lot of laughs.

Nothing is worse than a monotone speaker who talks in circles and you leave with nothing actionable to go and DO! I’m literally the OPPOSITE of all of that.

My passion for sharing killer content and my boundless energy is rare to find. Everyone leaves with their own to-do list, from the beginner to the advanced attendee. I use a lot of examples from real-life experiences to explain the content and keep listeners engaged. And lots of laughs along the way when I mimic the less than ideal client.

What has been your favorite speaking engagement to date?

I’ll never forget this one special NACE meeting. I was speaking about changing how you sell to the younger generations. After speaking with attendees as they came into the room, I knew I had my work cut out for me. It was a room full of strangers who HATED millennials.

My ultimate goal was for the attendees to leave with a new understanding of their buying style and to change their mindset to be more like them. It was an uphill battle but I had amazing success. The attendees were engaged, nodding along with my examples and by the end, most agreed that they too shopped and bought like a millennial. It was an epic shift that every speaker dreams of!

When heading to a wedding or event industry conference, I never leave home without my…

Presentation every which way possible! I never want me to be the reason that makes the A/V team look bad so I come prepared with the presentation on my phone, ipad, laptop and a flash drive with the connectors I need for every device. BYOT - bring your own tech (just in case).

Where would you love to speak next?

I really love speaking to industry-specific vendor categories (ie. DJ, photography, rentals, etc). When there is only one category of companies in the room, it’s much easier to tackle their specific problems and talk their language with specific examples.

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